Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Speech from an 11 year old
We recently held a speech contest among our elementary students at Kang's Language Institute. While this student's speech did not quite cut it for the finals that were held on Saturday, it meritted a photo copy and a blog. This is from Ron, my most talented and youngest male student in my 6:00 p.m. class of hellians. The topic is "If I were the President of Korea..." and the speech is verbatim:

When I become president of Korea I will live in chunwade with my friends and I will make many places to play nad computer games to play and I will destroy the alchol shops and build many airports and make many computers and atomic bomb. and and very big bomb I will make people to have a computer and a building. and I will give many food and I will blow up North Korea and Iraq and I will make a Battlecruiser and a siege tank and a wraith and Dropship and go a travel to Europe and buy many cars i like.


How funny is that? Most of the more complicated language stems from the wildly popular computer game that eats up most boys' lives here in Korea - Starcraft.


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