Saturday, January 24, 2004

I currently have two men with a blue box, 30 feet of black hose, and an ajuma (old lady) knocking over bottles in my kitchen. So far in the water tank repair process of the day there have been 5 people involved. I called the director this morning. He sent over an "engineer" at 3 p.m. The engineer looked at stuff, and went upstairs to get the ajuma, and they both came back down. Then they left. I didn't understand what they told me. Then the director called me. He told me to go upstairs and get the ajuma. She came to my apartment and spoke with the director. Then she hung up the phone and told me not to go anywhere. I protested as I would really like to leave my apartment at some point today. Then the director called and told me not to go anywhere. So I waited. Then these three showed up. Two middleaged men and the ajuma from upstairs. They did something with their hose and their blue machine, and now they appear to be packing up. Is there hot water though? And if so, how long will it last? I think the ajuma is just here to look at my stuff. There's now a third man. Maybe her husband. I'm not sure I've ever seen him before. But he's wearing red socks and a red and black flannel hunters cap with the ear flaps and all. They've left the tap running in the bathroom, I don't know how long that should continue. Bizarre.


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