Saturday, September 13, 2003

We'll go from the most recent to as far as I can remember. Books I've read in the past 2 years:

Sophie's World - Jostein Gaarder
No Logo - Naomi Klein
Nickel and Dimed - On (not) getting by in America - Barbara Einreich (sp?)
The Life of Pi - Yann Martel
Friendship, Loveship, Hateship, Courtship, Marriage - Alice Munroe -- this is a collection of short stories. I hate short stories. As soon as I start to warm up to a character, let them into my life, they leave me. Happens every time.
The Poisonwood Bible - Barbara Kingsolver
Guliver's Travels - Jonathen Swift
The Lord of the Rings -- The Fellowship of the Rings, The Two Towers, J.R.R Tolkein - am waiting to read the third until closer to movie time....
Setting Free the Bears - John Irving
The Fourth Hand - John Iriving
Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
Harry Potter 1-3 - Rowling
The Divine Secrets of the Ya-ya Sisterhood - Rebecca Wells -- I loved this story. It was beautiful. It makes me want to raise my children on the bayou. With crayfish. And if you didn't like the movie, well, screw you duckface.
Breakfast at Tiffany's - Truman Capote
Fast Food Nation - Eric Schlosser -- This book makes me want to go to law school and study labour law in order to protect the rights of the disadvantaged around the world. And it got me off the ground beef.
A Suitable Boy - Vikram Seth -- It took me about 6 months to get through this one because it was so close to my own life at many points. It has since become my favourite book.

I know I'm missing many in here, but it was a quick list, designed to inspire mes amies to send me beaucoup des livres. I'll add those that are missing soon.

In other news, my plane ticket that I was planning to use as my Christmas return to Calgary expires on December 8 and my semester doesn't end until December 24, so it looks like I'll be returning for a brief break at the end of October. We have a mysteriously long break between semesters, luckilly, and if we can convince the school to let us miss the last day of the term we get to throw an extra three days on for a weekend. Who makes Monday the last day of a term, really? So I guess we'll have to have Halloween parties at home instead, and I'll probably spend Christmas in Thailand. Or maybe Vietnam. Anyone want to come?


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