Tuesday, July 29, 2003

I guess I was a day early for Michelle's birthday. Chalk it up to celebrating a day early last year and my spotty use of my pda.

I came to the pc lab down the street from my apartment in Seoul to prepare my classes tomorrow. I've now been here for an hour, and have accomplished exactly nothing. Well, I've looked at lots of pictures of folks back home and read up on my Canada.com news, but that doesn't amount to much. And it certainly doesn't equal the test I'm supposed to be making for my hellians. I shouldn't call them that.

I have one bad class in my new job. It's a class of 10 kids, all in 5th or 6th grade. There are 4 girls and 6 boys, and all the hormones are a-raging. Just when they get to one degree shy of the disruptive behaviors that would cause me to either yell at them, kick them out, or get a teacher who can yell at them in Korean, they do something cute or smart or funny, meaning that I can't do anything but get back to the lesson. It's so frusterating. But at least they can understand 1/4 of what I say, unlike the kids at most schools. I think my attitude with them just has to be a bit more relaxed. I bribed them with candy today. That happens a lot. And I think the test will be open book - but only for the kids who did their homework. So I guess I should write that test...


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